My Encounter with an Archangel


Male angel 14

Many years ago, while I drove home from my job at a local newspaper something very strange happened to me. It was around 3am, and there wasn’t a soul around. Let me tell you, it was dead. To say that I was COMPLETELY alone was an understatement. At this Un-godly hour even the freeway I was traveling on was deserted. Okay I’m being redundant, but I have to set the scene. (Besides, NOBODY reads my blog , so why should I worry ?)

I was completely sober and wide awake so what I saw was totally unbelievable. There was a man at the side of the road, on a horse, dressed in dazzling armor. I was so freaked out that I nearly slammed on my breaks. I slowed to look more closely and he was gone. I’m serious about this. He just EVAPORATED before my eyes.

Many years later, after asking God for a sign from heaven, I realized that I had NOT suffered from a delusion. (That night I had an angelic visitation.) This was definitely an ARCHANGEL. I have no real clue why he would appear on that deserted stretch of Freeway. When this event happened, my life was in ruins, my marriage was falling apart and I was at the end of my rope. I found out 35 years later, that archangels do appear dressed in armor and protect we mere “mortals”from danger.

I don’t feel like I am a deserving soul that needs the help of the angels. However we are ALL entitled to protection if we merely ask. The day I prayed for a sign, I remembered this event. I suppose I suppressed all memory of it, and merely chalked it up to lack of sleep. I had a flash-back when I heard about a female FBI agent that saw angels in armor at a crash site on September 11th, 2001. She saw what I did, and shared her story. Now I don’t feel so terribly alone.

-Many Blessing to all of you.